电话面试经历 申请专业:基础医学专业(2)

电话面试经历 申请专业:基础医学专业(2)

  回忆一下内容大家探讨一下(不能完全记清楚了, 就大概说说意思吧),
  希望对大家有所帮助。 是关于一个助教的奖学金,
  所以面试的时间长一些(40分钟), 而之前我面试的一个助研, 只用了22分钟。

  晚上11:00开始(美东部时间晚13小时, 所以是同一天的早10:00)
  Q; Hello, is it Mr。 Tang?
  A: yeah, are you Dr。 ***, I am waiting for your call。

  Q: it is late in china, isn't it?

  A: yeah, near midnight, thank you for calling。 please speak loudly, ok?
(老美绝对尊重你的意见, 我说完他立马适当减慢语速, 整个面试还算字正腔圆)

  Q: ok, we committee have reviewed your application,
and we decide to make a phone interview to you,
since it is impossible for us to arrange a face interview , I'd like to interview you by phone。
(上来就一大段, 也好正好适应一下他的口音)

  A: I am also eager to talking with you directly by phone

  Q: I know that you got your Bachelor *** years ago? how about your work in this years?

(老套, 问一下个人情况, 我怀疑他们是想先验证一下到底这个人就是申请人还是枪手)

  A: yes, I graduated from *** University ** years ago, since graduation,
I have been working as a 。。。。。。。。, and I have gotten lots of research experiences when
I was working as a research assistant in my department laboratory 。。。

  Q: are there some people around you who try to pursue a doctoral degree in china? how about you?
(操心挺多的, 关心了一下我的同事, 回想又何尝不是想从侧面来了解我的经历呢?)

  A: sure, some of my colleagues have gotten their Ph.D。
in china, all of them are excellent in work。 as for me,
I think a higher degree could give me more chances and challenges to study in my major field, so I try my best to do。

  Q: yes, I mean, why donnt you study your degree in china, but choose USA?
  A: Of course, china have lots of great institutes,
and we have lots of patient case for us to study,
but the poor experiment instrument and financial problems
can always prevent us to study in depth,
I believe I need to study in a more modern research group to deep my research。

  Q: what is your plan after 5 years graduate study ,
will you stay in the states?
(感觉整个就是在签证, 怎么搞得, 还不切入正题, 这样下去, 早晚要出事)

  A: actually, now I cannot give you a definite answer about my decision 5 years later,
but anyway, I believe china must be better and opening at that time,
I believe that i can make a wise decision at that time,to do sth for my mother country。

  Q: you refer to laboratory experience, let's talk about that , ok ?
(来了, 打起精神吧)

  A: ok, no problem。 my former research focus on two areas 。。。。。。。。
(简要介绍了自己的研究背景)。。。。 do you want some more details?

  Q: oh,no, you have describle them in your Statement,
how about the laboratory technique you have possessed?

  A: I have learned such 。。。。as 。。。。(说一下实验室操作等技能)
(从这里开始转入面试的重点, 讨论专业知识和背景等)

  Q: you talk about ****, we department surely can provide you this training,
and what do you want us to teach you most in this field?
can you make a simple explaination to me ?
  A: yeah, I mean 。。。。。。。。。。。
(解释了一下这方面专业的内容, 这里完全是老米临时找个话茬来考验你的反应和专业性)

  Q: now have you had a plan about the work in your coming graduate study in your mind?

  A: i am, that is 。。。。。。。。。。。
(说一下学习的计划, 是针对他们系里的研究强项来准备的, )