

  高三年级学生,TOEFL 623,2003年9月委托,录取于INDIANA UNIVERSITY,金融专业(全美排名第七名)。6月25日一签获得签证。

  I:(我):Good morning, sir!

  VO:(一词一顿的)Good afternoon!

  I:Oh, yes!Good afternoon!It has been too late.

  VO:So, you have been to American, right?

  I:Yes. I have been there as an exchange student.


  I:(护照上不是写着的吗?!):About three years ago.

  VO:Which school did you go?

  I:(答错了)Indiana University.

  VO:I mean which high school!

  I:Oh, Sorry!XXXXXXXXXX(答他)

  VO:So, Why you are going to that University?

  I:(背!)I have received nine acceptance letters from different universities. And four of them offered me scholarships. The largest amount among them is $12,000, however, I didn't choose it. I chose IU with the least amount of money--just 1,000 as pocket money...

  VO:(打断我)So, why didn't you choose larger scholarship?

  I:(正中下怀)That is all because finance in IU ranks 7th in the undergraduate education in USA. I have been interested in finance for a long time...

  VO:(打断!)Do you believe that ranking?

  I:(晕!这是哪门子的问题?)Yes, of course!(只有老实说)

  VO:You know what? I am from a very bad university. But I am doing well in my position, now.

  I:(FUCK!...没说出口)But, sir, this is almost the only way I can use to judge whether I the university is good for me.

  VO:So, what are you going to do after graduate?

  I:(又背!)After four years study, I will come back to China, working in my father's company, or in the field of finance.

  VO:What is your father's company?

  I:An advertising company.

  VO:What is your father's company?(又一遍)

  I:(不懂他意思)An advertising company.

  VO:((一个及其无奈的姿势,叹气)I asked you what is the name of your father's company!You just can't understand me, so how can you study in USA.

  I :(看他生气了心想完了)I am sorry, sir!I am just a little nervous.

  VO:No, no!You are not nervous. You just don't understand what I was saying!

  I: (急了,也不注意语气和声调了,大声的, 反正只有我一个了)Yes!I am nervous. Surely I can understand you!Please give me a chance!

  VO: (不说话.That means Yes.)

  I:The name of the company is  XXXXXXXX. Do you want to have a look at the certificates?(VO摇头)I think I am a good student, and my family can support me. (有做递材料的动作,他又不要)

  VO:I can see you are a good student. It is showed on the resume you gave to the secretary. And I know you have money. So, have you taken the college entrance exam?


  VO:So, what is your score?

  I:I am sorry, sir!I should explain it to you. People told me that I could get my score after 23th. But, actually, I can only get it after 12:00am today!So, I haven't got it yet!

  VO:I think I just can not believe you! Many students like you will never come back!After undergraduate, they just continue to go to graduate schools.

  I:(又急了,还是背!)But sir!You know my father's company is here, it needs me to communicate with banks and the government. And finance in China is very different from that in America. If I want to get to the top of Chinese banks or the government, I should fully understand the real situation of China, then can I use my knowledge. That is why I just come back four years later. Whether I work for my father, or in the field of finance is OK. My purpose is to gain experience China. You know this country needs those advanced knowledge and ideas from western countries very much!I want to use my knowledge to contribute to the development of China's finance field. In America, you don't have the chance to get to the top, and they don't need you. But, in China, which is your homeland, everything is possible!If I stay in America, I will never make my dream come true!(激昂啊...且语无伦次……)

  VO:I don't know what you said is real or not. But I am going to give you a chance.

  I:(不感相信,我早都以为完了,只是在做拼死挣扎!)Thank you!Have a nice lunch!

  VO: (笑,摇头……)


  2、问刁钻的问题是在试你,比如那个"You believe that ranking?"老实说就是了,不要怕。
