

Please note that you are only allowed to use calculator for the Math sections. If you are attempting sections other than Math, please place your calculator on the floor beside your table. Please note that all the Math questions can be done without a calculator.


Please check that whether there is any error regarding your name, address and other particulars. If so, please come up to fill in a ... form.


Please note that there is time limit for every section. You are not allowed to cross section. If any invigilator find you doing so, your may be disqualified.


There will be breaks allocated in between the sections.


Is everything understood? Any questions?  

If you want to go to the bathroom now please do so now as nobody is allowed to go to the bathroom until the first rest from then.


(after everyone returns, invigilators distribute the test paper and answer sheet)

Please turn to the last page of your test paper and read the instructions.  

Now look at your answer sheet, cover page. Please fill the first item, you last name and first name in block letter as stated in your IC or passport.

Please fill in the second item, enter you gender.

Please fill in the third item...  

Please look at the 7th item, if you do not stay in the USA and do not have an US address please leave it blank.

Please fill in ...  

Please enter your test paper code for 9th item. Your code can be found on the last page of your test paper. Everyone has a distinct code on his/her paper. Please copy this code in the 9th item.

Please fill in ...

Please enter your name, and test center code on the cover page of your test paper.

Is everyone done? Anyone needs more time to shade the circle please raise up your hand.

If everyone has finished, please note that the first section will be a writing section. You are allowed to use pencils only or mechanical pencil is allowed. Please turn to the first section. In this section, you will have 25 minutes to write an essay and you may start now.


Announcement during the test (考试过程中的指令)

You have 5 minutes left for section 1.


Time is up. Please put down you pencil. Close you answer sheet and test paper. For the next section, if that is a Math section you may use your calculator, if not, please leave the calculator on the floor. You will have 25 minutes to finish this section. Please turn to section 2 and start now.

