Syracuse University Public Finance, Budgeting and Financial Administration

Syracuse University Public Finance, Budgeting and Financial Administration
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 Field Faculty
 John Yinger (Coordinator)
 Robert Bifulco
 Len Burman
 William Duncombe
 Sharon Kioko
 Ross Rubenstein
 Larry Schroeder
Subject matter
 Public finance theory; tax design and evaluation, expenditure analysis; capital spending and borrowing; government financial management; state and local government finance; public budgeting; and design of intergovernmental finance systems. 

Suggested Relevant Courses
PPA 810: Ph.D. Seminar in Public Finance
PPA 730: Catastrophic Budget Failure
PPA 730: Tax Policy & Politics
PPA 731: Financial Management in State and Local Governments
PPA 735: State and Local Government Finance
PPA 749: Financial Management in Non-Profit Organizations
ECN 665: International Finance
ECN 731: Public Expenditures
ECN 732: Taxation

