University of Southern California School of Law

University of Southern California School of Law
Vision Statement
The University of Southern California Gould School of Law cultivates analytical ability, ethical values, and a spirit of collegiality that prepare our students for meaningful careers benefiting society. We enrich human knowledge and the principles of justice through superior scholarship.

USC Law's vision statement, adopted September 2009

Founded in 1896
With more than 100 years of renowned legal education, USC Law is an institution that continues to make history, through its philosophy of innovation, and through its people. By the students, for the students, that’s the founding premise and guiding principle behind USC Law.

At the end of the 19th century, when there was no formal law school in Southern California, aspiring lawyers prepared by “reading law” at local firms. Then, in 1896, a band of ambitious apprentices brought organized legal education to Los Angeles. Their goal: Create “a school of permanent character,” and educate lawyers of exceptional quality. Today’s USC Law reflects a distinguished past built on the principles of equity and excellence, and the courage to break new ground.
