电话面试经历 申请专业:基础医学专业(1)

电话面试经历 申请专业:基础医学专业(1)

Q:how do you know about our program?
  A: through Internet,it is my only way。

  Q: do you apply for some other universities?
  A: yes,such as 。。。。。。,
and also some of their research projects interests me very much ,。。。。
( 别怕表扬别人, 说实话, 老美知道你一定申请了其他的学校,
也知道你会和别人说类似的话, 你现在贬低别人就等于在骂她自己,

  Q: are you a full time doctor in china now?
if so,why do you try to turn to basic madicine research?
(你不是医生么, 多好阿, 干吗还要来读书转医学专业呢?)
这可是关键, 关系到立场问题, 不容马虎。

  A: surely I have enough reason 。。。。。
As you know,without the development in basic medicine research in laboratory,
it is impossible for us physician to get any improvement in clinical practice ,
then I will have to tell my patiens: i know your pain,
I can ameliorate your suffering ,but i cannot cure you completely,sorry )。
期间老美不断的说着i understand来配合气氛。

  Q: the last question is 。。。。
以及对于口语的要求多么的重要, 然后试探我),
do you think it is a position worthy to do?

  A: 怪了, 他说了半天助教多好对好, 再来问我这东西好不好,
being a chinese student,it is meaningless for me to accept my admission
without the financial support ,please understand。

  Q: yes,I understand your financial problem completely,
and we will make the decision in the first week on March。

  A: you can contact me via email,waiting for your good news。

  Q: do you have any questions to us?

  A: I notice that there is no chinese student in your laboratory,
how do you commont on the chinese students in your department?

  Q: 这个问题他显然缺乏准备, 他的实验室从来没有过大陆来的学生,
但是他带的班里有过。 想了一会, 告诉我: 有一个台湾来的学生正在他的班上,
挺努力的。 还有一个小日本鬼子(实在找不到中国学生了, 拉个鬼子来充数),
但是his english is very poor, 听得我这个爽呀!!!我这时插一嘴,but he is rich,
老美显然听出我的语调不对, 哈哈大笑。

  A: 最后我再次强调了一下没钱就不可能接受的观点,
其实我感觉说这个老美并不反感, 本来就是实际情况么 , 没必要遮遮掩掩的。
  再最后我忍不住问他一嘴: how do you think of my interview today?

  Q: your english is good,good enough。
(原话如此, 也算没白费我一番辛苦的准备)
  A: I have no other questions,thanks for your call again,
I wish I can get your decision in time。
  Q: of course,and maybe I will contact you earlier 。byebye
  A: see you

  上述是大部分的主要问题, 还有一些临时交流的零散问题就没有包括在里边了,
总之感觉还是可以吧, 虽然没有现场敲定老刀, 但是起码面试的感觉还是不错的。
  1, 事先去他们的网站彻底的了解系里和面试官的情况。
(面试前通常面试官会email给你敲定时间), 准备好可能问到的问题,
放在手边参考, 但是最重要的是临场脑子清醒,
  2, 特别准备好专业问题, 这才是面试成功的关键所在。
  3, 抛砖引玉, 希望对大家有所帮助。
