Kansas State University College of Education

Kansas State University  College of Education
About Our College
We honor and celebrate teaching and learning in the College of Education as we prepare educators to be knowledgeable, ethical, caring decision makers for their roles in a diverse world. Our 1,780 undergraduate and 1,182 graduate students are part of a 22,000 strong K-State student body. With a 100-year history, we are the largest professional education program in our state. We welcome you to explore our website, and invite you to contact us!
– Michael C. Holen, Dean

Vision, Mission, and Conceptual Framework →
We prepare educators to be knowledgeable, ethical, and caring decision makers for roles in teaching, research, and service
Accreditation →
We are accredited by NCA, NCATE, KSDE, and CACREP
Alumni and Friends →
Alumni and friends are valued, recognized, and provided opportunities to serve and support the college
Diversity →
Diversity initiatives within our college
Faculty Governance →
The organized policy-making structure within our college
Health and Safety Information →
Environmental health and safety information on campus
Professional Development Schools (PDS) →
Collaboration between the College of Education and schools dedicated to preparing and developing teachers and improving teaching and learning
College News →
News items about our students, faculty, staff, and College
Publications →
Communications with with alumni, students and professional educators through our Connections magazine, Chalkboard newsletter, and Educational Considerations journal
Technology Recommendations and Solutions →
The technology environment within our college
Title II Report →
Annual teacher preparation performance report

