University of Maryland College Park Social Policy

University of Maryland College Park Social Policy
The Social Policy program acquaints students with the relevant history and institutions of social policy, develops their quantitative skills for program evaluation and the analysis of large data sets, and helps them grapple with the moral issues raised by inequality. Four required courses (Quantitative Analysis of Policy Issues, Foundations of Social Policy, Introduction to Policy Analysis and Evaluation, and the Project Course) anchor flexible master's degree programs for pre-career and mid-career students who may select courses in health, education, poverty, criminal justice, housing, and social services management, among others. A resident faculty with nationally-renowned expertise in various fields is complemented by a broader menu of relevant course offerings across other units of the College Park campus.

 Social Policy Alumnus Jobs
Asst . Director, Resource Management, Office of CFO, US Dept of Homeland Security
Assistant Director, U.S. Government Accountability Office
Program Examiner, Office of Management and Budget
Manager, Performance Assurance, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
Vice-President, IBM
Chief Government Affairs Officer, Investment Corporation Institute
Policy Analyst, New York Governor's Office of Regulatory Reform
Program Officer Chief, U.S. Agency for International Development - Mali
Director, Charter School Leadership Council
International Programs Specialist, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Director, Environmental and Policy Education, Urban Land Institute
Vice-president, Policy and Strategic Partnerships, LRG, Inc.
Deputy Executive Director, Housing Authority of Monterrey County
Director, Finance and Administration, BWI Airport
Chief, Food Protection Program, Prince George's County Health Department
