
4. Like Rousseau, Tolstoi rebelled against the unnatural complexity of human relations in modern society.

  (A) Like Rousseau, Tolstoi rebelled

  (B) Like Rousseau, Tolstoi’s rebellion was

  (C) As Rousseau, Tolstoi rebelled

  (D) As did Rousseau, Tolstoi’s rebellion was(A)

  (E) Tolstoi’s rebellion, as Rousseau’s, was

  In choice A, the best answer, a clear and logical comparison is made between Rousseau and Tolstoi. Choice B illogically compares a person, Rousseau, to an event, Tolstoi’s rebellion. Also, Tolstoi’s rebellion was against is less direct than Tolstoi rebelled against. Inserting did after As would make C grammatical. Because As is a conjunction, it must introduce a clause; hence the noun Rousseau must have a verb. Choice D compares an implied action (As did Rousseau) with a noun (Tolstoi’s rebellion). Choice E is awkwardly formed, and like is needed in place of as to compare two nouns (rebellion is understood after Rousseau’s). Also, Tolstoi’s rebellion... was against is less direct than Tolstoi rebelled against.



  5. Like the one reputed to live in Loch Ness, also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river, inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster.”

  (A) Like the one reputed to live in Loch Ness, also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river, inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster.”

  (B) Inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster” similar to the one reputed to live in Loch Ness, which, like Lake Champlain, is an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river.

  (C) Inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster” similar to Loch Ness’s, which, like Lake Champlain, is an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river.

  (D) Like Loch Ness’ reputed monster, inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain, also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river, claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster.”(B)

  (E) Similar to that reputed to live in Loch Ness, inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain, also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river, claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster.”

  Choice A, D and E illogically compare the monster reputed to live in Loch Ness to the inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain, not to the monster that some local inhabitants claim to have sighted. Furthermore, in E the phrase Similar to that reputed to live in Loch Ness is needlessly wordy and indirect. C is faulty because the pronoun which would refer to Loch Ness, not to the “sea monster” similar to Loch Ness’s. B, the best choice, uses which correctly and makes a logical comparison. The question is a little easier than middle difficulty.


  6. Like Byron at Missolonghi, Jack London was slowly killed by the mistakes of the medical men who treated him.

  (A) Like Byron

  (B) Like Byron’s death

  (C) Just as Byron died

  (D) Similar to Byron(A)

  (E) As did Byron

  Choice A correctly compares two persons, Byron and Jack London. Choice B illogically compares Byron’s death to London. Choice C does not compare one person to another and could be read as saying Just at the time that Byron died. Choice D misstates the idea: the point is not that London was similar to Byron but that he was like Byron in the manner of his death. In choice E, did cannot grammatically be substituted for was in the phrase was slowly killed. This question is a little more difficult than the average.


  7. Like Haydn, Schubert wrote a great deal for the stage, but he is remembered principally for his chamber and concert-hall music.

  (A) Like Haydn, Schubert

  (B) Like Haydn, Schubert also

  (C) As has Haydn, Schubert

  (D) As did Haydn, Schubert also(A)

  (E) As Haydn did, Schubert also

  Choice A is correct. In B, also is redundant after Like, which establishes the similarity between Haydn and Schubert. As in choices C, D, and E is not idiomatic in a comparison of persons; has in C wrongly suggests that the action was recently completed; and also in D and E is superfluous. This question is a little more difficult than the average.
