



(1)在家里工作的人没有set schedule,所以就会干嘛(那个词不认识,反正就是类似不好好工作吧),会avoid working

(2)在家工作的人因为socially & professionally isolated,所以career advancement少

(3)在家里工作会有很多distraction:什么邻居啊,还有household chores 还有一个什么的。


[v3]就是在办公室工作和在家工作比较:从经济角度考虑放弃在办公室工作而在家工作室不明智的,因为在家工作有很多东西让你分心,eg telephone call, noisy neighbour...而且在家工作会使人isolated 么办法接触最新的information. 最后会导致收入么在办公室收入高。

4、Greentree Grocers has been experiencing high sales volume but decreasing profit margin. Its customers are wealthy people looking for gourmet food and luxury shopping experience, so it must cut costs without hurting the customers' shopping experience. So it plans to layoff 10 employees per store and eliminate expensive displays and free samples. In addition, it will partner with XX Cafe to have a coffee shop in each store. This is supported by a recent survey that the Grocers and the Cafe attract similar types of customers. The conclusion is that Greentree Grocers will experience high sales volume as well as high profit margin
