
Logical Reasoning is half of your score on the LSAT - and this is good news.实际上逻辑推理是你稳拿一半分数的部分...


Because you already have most of the Logical Reasoning skills you need for the test. The LSAT* tests your ability to use those skills thoroughly, quickly, and strategically in the context of a strictly timed, multiple-choice test.

On the LSAT, in law school, and in your law career, you will need the ability to see and understand complex reasoning. It's not enough to sense whether an argument is wrong or weak; you'll need to analyze precisely why it is so. This involves an even more fundamental skill, one that's called on by nearly every Logical Reasoning question--the ability to isolate and identify the various components of any given argument.

Logical Reasoning on the LSAT

Each of the two scored Logical Reasoning sections consists of twenty-four to twenty-six questions based on short passages called "stimuli." Each stimulus takes the form of an argument--i.e., a conclusion based on evidence. You will need to understand the stimulus to answer the questions based on it.

·2 scored sections

·each 35 minutes long

·Approximately 50 percent of your score

·Usually 24 to 26 questions each

·Common question-types: weakening, strengthening, assumption, main point, inference, parallel logic

·Tests ability to understand, analyze, evaluate, and manipulate arguments
