
Seven Basic Principles

1.Understand the Structure of Arguments Success on this section hinges on your ability to identify the two basic parts of every argument:

* the conclusion: the point that the author is trying to make

* the evidence: the support that the author offers for the conclusion

2. Preview the Question Stem

Doing so before reading the stimulus makes you a better, more directed reader. You will know what you're looking for in advance.

3. Paraphrase the Author's Point It's much easier to understand and remember an argument if you restate it simply, in your own words.

4. Judge the Author's Persuasiveness

You must read actively, not passively. Constantly question whether the author's argument seems valid or dubious. On a sectionswheresmany of the questions deal with finding flaws in the author's reasoning, it's imperative to read with a critical eye.

5. Answer the Question Asked

You read the argument. You see a major weakness in it. You find an answer choice that points out this weakness. You choose that answer. And you miss the point. Why? Because the question stem was asking for a statement that strengthened the argument, not one that weakened it. Don't let this happen to you. Always double-check the question stem.

6.Try to Paraphrase the Answer

Approach the answer choices with at least a faint idea of what the answer should look like.

7. Keep the Scope of the Argument in Mind

A remarkable number of wrong answers have scope problems. Always be on the lookout for answer choices that are too extreme, that contain value judgments that are not relevant to the argument, or that don't match the stimulus in tone or subject matter.
