The Strange Dual Nature of the SAT II Biology

The Strange Dual Nature of the SAT II Biology

The official name of the SAT II Biology is actually the SAT II Biology E/M. The test has this strange name because it’s actually two tests built into one. One test, the Biology E Test, emphasizes ecology and evolution. The other test, the Biology M Test, emphasizes molecular biology and evolution. On test day, you will take either the Biology E or the Biology M test. You can’t take both.

The Biology E and Biology M Tests aren’t completely dissimilar. In fact, out of a total of 80 questions, the two tests share a core of the same 60 questions. The test contains an additional 40 questions, split between the E and M specialty sections. So if you take the Biology E test, you will only have to answer the section of 20 ecology and evolution questions. If you take the Biology M, you need only answer the molecular biology and evolution section.


