Review Questions of the cell

1.  A microscope has an ocular lens with a magnification of 10x and objective lenses with magnifications of 10x, 20x, 30x, and 43x. Which of the following are not possible magnifications that can be achieved with this microscope?

2.  Which of the following are features of the prokaryotic cell?
  Golgi bodies

3.  What is the function of the Golgi apparatus?
  It controls the cell’s activities and stores its DNA.
  It is the site of protein synthesis.
  It synthesizes lipids and transports synthesized proteins.
  It sorts and packages proteins made in the endoplasmic reticulum.
  It provides structure to the prokaryotic cell.

4.  Proteins manufactured in the endoplasmic reticulum are secreted from the cell by which of the following processes?
  Passive transport

5.  Why is the “rough” endoplasmic reticulum rough?
  It is studded with ribosomes that form a bumpy coat.
  It functions in lipid synthesis.
  It contains cellulose, which gives the membrane rigidity and structure.
  It lacks the ribosomes characteristic of the cytosol.
  It engages in lipid synthesis, which gives it a rough texture.

6.  Which of the following functions is performed by the lysosome?
  Digestion of intracellular debris
  Production of energy through photosynthesis
  Regulation of transport
  Storage of nutrients
  Lipid synthesis

7.  What two classes of molecules make up the phospholipid bilayer?
  Sugars and phosphoproteins
  Proteins and phospholipids
  Phosphoproteins and lipids
  DNA and carbohydrates
  PhosphoDNA and lipids

8.  What is the name of the natural process by which molecules flow from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration?

9.  Which of the following is not a property of the cell membrane?
  Permeability to nonpolar compounds
  Permeability to water and gases
  Impermeability to large polar compounds

10.  A cell is placed in a bath of water that has a much higher salt concentration than the concentration inside the cell. What happens?
  The cell will fill with water.
  Water will rush out of the cell.
  The distribution of water will not change.
  Salt will move from the cell to the exterior.
  The cell will clearly burst.

Explanations1.      A     
Total magnification is calculated by multiplying the power of the ocular and objective lenses. Since, in this case, the ocular lens has a magnification power of 10x and none of the possible objective lenses has a magnification power of 1x, it’s impossible for the microscope to have a total magnification power of 10x.
2.      B     
Prokaryotes lack membrane-bound organelles but must have ribosomes for protein synthesis. Prokaryotes do not have a nucleus; DNA is stored in a coil in the cytoplasm.
3.      D     
The Golgi apparatus packages proteins for secretion by the cell. As for the other answer choices: the nucleus controls the cell’s activities, proteins are made in the cytoplasm and endoplasmic reticulum by ribosomes, and lipids are synthesized by the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
4.      D     
All of the answers are forms of transport, but only exocytosis is used to remove synthesized proteins from the cell. These proteins cannot undergo diffusion because they are too large to fit through the cell membrane. Osmosis refers only to the transport of water. Pinocytosis is a form of transport that involves taking liquids into the cell rather than secreting them. Passive transport includes diffusion and osmosis.
5.      A     
The ribosomes attached to the ER membrane give it its roughness. The smooth ER, not the rough ER, functions in lipid synthesis. Cellulose is part of the cell wall in plants.
6.      A     
Lysosomes digest cellular debris. The other choices refer to functions that are performed by organelles but not by lysosomes. Chloroplasts produce energy through photosynthesis, vacuoles store nutrients, the cell membrane regulates the movement of substances in and out of the cell, and lipid synthesis takes place in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
7.      B     
Clearly phospholipids must be a type of molecule in the phospholipid bilayer. The bilayer also contains proteins, which float in the bilayer like icebergs in a sea.
8.      A     
All of the processes listed are means of transport, except for respiration. However, only diffusion is a process by which molecules move from high to low concentration. Pinocytosis, endocytosis, and exocytosis are means of active transport, while diffusion is a type of passive transport.
9.      D     
The cell membrane consists of a floating sea of phospholipids. If the membrane were rigid, organisms would fracture when they move.
10.      B     
Water is in lower concentration outside the cell because there is more salt there. Since substances diffuse from areas of high concentration to low concentration, water will move out.