


(1) OG-S3-23: Q: The author’s attitude toward the majority of people can best be described as

A. genuinely puzzled

B. aggressively hostile

C. solemnly respectful

D. generally indifferent

E. condescendingly tolerant

(2) OG-P677-S8-11: A condolatory smile, capping this enumeration, materialized on his lips; the letter was so inconsonant with the simplest precepts of strategy that it elicited a kind of pity, mingled with contempt and dry amusement.

Q: In context, Mulcahy’s “Condolatory smile” (lines 32-33) is most probably an expression of both

A. cynical skepticism and comical self-pity

B. sincere compassion and whimsical delight

C. profound surprise and delighted appreciation

D. bitter disappointment and sly criticism

E. condescending sympathy and amused scorn

(3) OG-P873: (Lines12-14) They treat it condescendingly as a harmless but amusing example of American vulgarity—a kind of patriotic Disneyland.



(巴郎-T1)The Rosetta Stone! What a providential find that was. And what a remarkable set of circumstances it took for people to be able to read Egyptian hieroglyphics after a hiatus of some 1400 years. It even took a military campaign. In 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte’s army attacked British-held Egypt, seeking to cut off England from the riches of the Middle East. Rebuilding a fortress, a French soldier uncovered a block of basalt inscribed with writing in three distinct scripts; Greek, demotic script (an everyday cursive form of Egyptian), and Egyptian hieroglyphs. At that moment, modern Egyptology began.

Question: The author’s tone in writing of the discovery of the Rosetta Stone can best be characterized as

A. ironic

B. enthusiastic

C. condescending

D. nostalgic

E. objective


(1)The actor was noted for his___ behavior: he quickly became irritated if his every whim was not immediately satisfied.

(A) fastidious

(B) sedulous

(C) vindictive

(D) petulant

(E) mercenary

(2)Mac Dougall’s former editors remember him as a__ man whose__ and exhaustive reporting was worth the trouble.

A. domineering, wearisome

B. congenial, pretentious

C. popular, supercilious

D. fastidious, garbled

E. cantankerous, meticulous

从意思上来说,fastidious是意群“仔细”里面的单词之一:careful, painstaking, scrupulous, meticulous, fastidious, punctilious, 其中比较特殊的一个是fastidious:fastidious implies concern, often excessive, for the requirements of taste,表示处于品位要求,通常是过分的关心,而且因为要求高而难以取悦。

