SAT 考前单词准备(二)

1.n. excess

(a) spheroid

(b) penalty

(c) sustenance

(d) redundance


2.adj. amusing

(a) facetious

(b) insipid

(c) debatable

(d) agile


3.adj. clumsy

(a) statuesque

(b) fluential

(c) regretful

(d) ungainly


4.adj. fragrant; releasing a good smell

(a) disciplinary

(b) unlawful

(c) kind-hearted

(d) odorous


5.v. to entice to surrender chastity

(a) persist

(b) converge

(c) bemoan

(d) seduce


6.adj. can be decreased; diminishable; can be expressed in a simpler form

(a) pluperfect

(b) reducible

(c) indivisible

(d) prominent


7.adj. that can not be refuted or disproved

(a) irrefragable

(b) phlegmatic

(c) luminous

(d) ebullient


8.adj. noting a genus or kind; opposed to specific

(a) staid

(b) generic

(c) amorous

(d) intramural


9.v. to change in nature, substance or form

(a) meliorate

(b) transmute

(c) aggrandize

(d) acclaim


10.n. a probability

(a) discomfort

(b) likelihood

(c) mandate

(d) consignor



1.(d) redundance

2.(a) facetious

3.(d) ungainly

4.(d) odorous

5.(d) seduce

6.(b) reducible

7.(a) irrefragable

8.(b) generic

9.(b) transmute

10.(b) likelihood
