
能够替代新托福考试的有两种考试,一是学术类雅思(IELTS),另一种便是 MELAB.前者大家都比较熟悉了。本文重点向各位考生介绍一下后者。

MELAB全称Michigan English Language Assessment Battery.由美国密西根大学英语语言中心(English Language Institute –University of Michigan,简称ELI-UM)主考。主要测试要到美国接受高等教育且英语为非母语的学生的英文熟练程度。MELAB 考试已有30年的历史。该成绩已被美加众多大学所认可,并作为评定奖学金的依据之一。 

MELAB 考试由三块组成,总的考试时间为150到210分钟,考生的最后成绩由三部分取平均分而得。 这三部分的基本组成是:

第一部分为写作(Composition), 时间为30分钟,考生可以从2个给定的题目中任选一题,写一篇200-300字的文章。


第三部分为语法,完成填空,词汇和阅读(Grammar, Cloze, Vocabulary, Reading, an objective multiple-choice test containing grammar, cloze reading, and vocabulary problems, and reading passages followed by comprehension questions).此部分总共100个问题, 总时间为75分钟,每题有4个选项,但只有一个是正确的。

MELAB考试的最后一部分为口试(Oral Interview),考生可选择亦可不选择。口试根据MELAB提供的口语考试材料进行,考试时间为10到15分钟。口试于当日下午进行。申请密西根大学的申请人必须参加口语考试。

MELAB考试的总体难度和机考托福几乎相当,比新托福(iBT)容易。MELAB 满分为100分。一般大学要求在80分到95分之间(相当于笔试托福的580到600分)且不要考生提供口语分。所以 MELAB 成为托福改题后的另一选择。

写作:What is the funniest thing that ever happened to you? Describe.

听力: a. Short conversations b. Short statements or dialogues

语法:  “What is that thing?”
“That a spider.”
a. to call b. for calling c. be called d. is called

填空: Long ago roads were only trails for people and animals to walk on, but today roads must be made for car, trucks, and buses. The most modern (1) is often called a superhighway.
a. way b. road c. travel d. superhighway

词汇:When the boat left, everyone was joyful .
  a. sad b. tired c. angry d. happy

3. 考试和报名程序
To receive a MELAB Information Bulletin, which contains a registration form, instructions, and sample test, you should contact:

English Language Institute
Testing and Certification
3020 North University Building 
The University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1057, U.S.A.
Telephone: (313) 764-2416 or 763-3452
Fax: (313) 763-0369

地点: Center #035 Dr. Georgia Wilder New College
21 Classic Ave, Rm 105B 
Toronto, ON M5S 2Z3 CANADA 
Phone:(416) 946-3942 Fax:(416) 946-0337

US$80.00 (with oral interview)
US$120.00 (with oral interview)
免费送2所大学,Before test, each additional report will charge US$15.00.After test, each additional report will charge $20.00
MELAB 考试的有效期为2 年。
