MELAB Sample Test(Listening-Unit3)

This unit contains type 5 questions. You will hear a brief lecture. As you listen, you may take notes below. After the lecture, you will be asked some questions about it. 

A group of English separatists known as the pilgrims first left England to live in Amsterdam in 1608. After spending a few years in their new city, though, many members of the group felt that they did not have enough independence. So in 1617, the pilgrims decided to leave Amsterdam to emigrate to America. 

However, many of these separatists were poor farmers who did not have much education or social status, and, not surprisingly, the group had many financial problems that prevented them from beginning their journey. Although their inability to finance themselves caused many disputes and disagreements, the pilgrims finally managed to obtain financing from a well-known and affluent London businessman named Thomas Weston. 

1) When did the first Pilgrims leave England?

a. 1608
b. 1617
c. 1620

The correct answer is A. 

2) What prevented the Pilgrims from beginning their journey to America? 

a. lack of education
b. lack of social status
c. lack of financing

The correct answer is C.
