
管理信息系统(Management Information System)是一门新兴学科,对即将跨入大学本科或研究生学习的学生来说,这是一门很实用的专业。人们对管理信息系统这个名词的认识,很多还是停留在公司、机关里的实用操作系统为主要认识对象。从这一现象可以看出,这门学科的实用性是不言而喻的。从学科的划分上可以说它是IT与Management结合的一门Interdiscipline。这个专业既可以放在商学院里面,也可以放在信息学院。国内外有不少大学都开设此专业。而在社会上,从实用上可以对管理信息系统作如下定义:它是一个以人为主导,利用计算机硬件、软件、网络通信设备以及其他办公设备,进行信息的收集、传输、加工、储存、更新和维护,以企业战略竞优、提高效益和效率为目的,支持企业的高层决策、中层控制、基层运作的集成化的人机系统。

Fairleigh Dickinson University对这个专业的描述:
The graduate program in management information systems is designed for present and future managers and developers of organizational information systems. Relying on computers and telecommunications networks, these systems are a source of operational efficiency, managerial effectiveness and corporate strategic advantage. The program combines learning how to use and develop information system technology with instruction in business, management and organizations.
Our Master of Science in Management Information Systems program is designed for students preparing for careers in the information systems field such as systems analyst, business application developer, network administrator, database administrator, web designer and technical support. The required courses and electives can help a student develop in specialized areas such as network design and administration, database design and administration, business applications programming, and web applications programming. 
Fairleigh Dickinson University的MBA下面的信息管理系统专业:
The MBA specialization in information systems develops management skills for the effective use of information in the enterprise within the global environment. The practice of information systems management is built on technical and managerial skills drawn from the fields of business management, information technology, finance, economics and quantitative methods.