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Why Duke? 重点在哪个方面?

Why Duke? 重点在哪个方面?

除了Academic,校园文化(blue devils),以及各种类型的club,career center, 还有哪些比较重要的?


发布时间:2006-10-7 2:12:00

别的不清楚,但要是提Career Center他们自己都会脸红的。。。Duke的文化在于Teamwork,毕竟要想让世界听到来自一个叫做北卡罗来纳的地方的声音,大家要团结。

发布时间:2006-10-7 12:07:00

呵呵,重点是要把他们的资源和你自己的经历和目标结合起来,越紧密越好!如果你写出来的why Duke能被10,000个CDer们拿来抄,那么肯定不是好的why Duke!

发布时间:2006-10-7 15:51:00


研究了几所学校,我觉得在top20中写why this school,academic各有所长,但基本上差不多,除了侧重点不同,可能这所学校侧重点在general management, 另外一所在finance,除了Yale som今年进行革新之外。

但northeuro所说的why duke不与其它人雷同,能否请教一下?

就像duke的team work, 以及blue devils,肯定是大部分人都会提及的。focus on general management,就是不知道如何突出自己的特点了。

欢迎各位大牛的反馈!希望本人能够通过why duke找到解决why yale, why tuck的疑惑!

发布时间:2006-11-12 7:24:00

以下是引用TanZi在2006-10-7 15:51:00的发言:


研究了几所学校,我觉得在top20中写why this school,academic各有所长,但基本上差不多,除了侧重点不同,可能这所学校侧重点在general management, 另外一所在finance,除了Yale som今年进行革新之外。

但northeuro所说的why duke不与其它人雷同,能否请教一下?

就像duke的team work, 以及blue devils,肯定是大部分人都会提及的。focus on general management,就是不知道如何突出自己的特点了。

欢迎各位大牛的反馈!希望本人能够通过why duke找到解决why yale, why tuck的疑惑

Be more focus on combine your background and your future development with Duke's strong point.

发布时间:2006-11-12 11:46:00

Sometimes it's not about whether you mention it or not, it\'s more about how you present it...

For example, "team work": I know everyone will say that, but my take is: as you'll spend >70% time with your classmates or teamates, you actually learned more from them than from professors. So, a challenging but friendly culture will encourage you to try, to take risk and learn.

One more thing I realized after I joined Duke was the "diversified" student background. Though I was focused on investment, in real world, the fundamental analysis is more based on your understanding of different industries and business operations. This will benefit your career in the long run, and you'll never get chance to have such in-depth discussions with your classmates from various industries background after you leave school.
