长篇大论,也许有点另类的总结 IE (转载)2

这是我的一个prof的话“Every one knows that Chinese folks are good, smart and hard working. But I do not prefer them, honestly, XX(a Phd Student from Euro) is not as good as you guys, however there is one big difference, Other people come to US for academic research, but Chinese come to US for US. Tons of you guys went away after getting a Master, or changed their major to Business or something else easy,…”
要知道Phd的头两年一般来说是做不了research的,都是让你take course的learning process,人家大学花了钱train了你两年,你拿到master了以后就找工作走了,还更有什么tran到top school跳槽的,教授对这种现象非常反感。。。

2.关于陶瓷。。。陶瓷要套,为了让对方更加了解你,但是居然有人笨到一所学校套两人的。。。prof,”come on, faculty talks, don`t treat us like fool, they gonna lose credit”

3.说道陶瓷,如果不是真的对你potential supervisor的research有很深的了解和想法,其实陶瓷也没用。我老板说 “Every one says that I am interested in your research…, no point at all, if you are really good, read my paper, discuss with me or tell me your own research ideas in detail”

Apply for IE (Operations Research)
College: in Hong Kong
Major: ECE
Minor: Math
Final Year Exchange in a Univ in US (reputation around 30th)

GPA不高,在HK 3.7 主要是我大一开始就酷爱数学,把精力都放在了数学课上什么Real Analysis, Differential Geometry这种pure math的课修了很多,又上了几门Phd的课反而在自己专业的EE上没怎么太下功夫,我喜欢的Control & System的senior的课大都A+,但基础课什么IC design甚至拿C… 到了US以后更是决定了转投IE (Operations Research)完全不管EE了,所以第一学期3门IE Phd课都是A,而两门本科的EE都只有C, GPA才3.0


Research Experience: HK: 两次UROP,但是都是学习式的以读书看paper为主,远远不到发paper等级,一个Math Dept的Analysis,另一个ECE Dept的Stochastic Optimization 另外只有 Final Year Thesis on Optimization
US: 一次UROP,是ECE Dept的Learning Theory and Philosophy,学习为主,有一些matlab programming. Another research under my potential supervisor about stochastic inventory theory,申请的时候成果已经有了,paper in process

Four Letters(这里提一下,建议大家还是不要多寄推荐信,因为前三封一到,Graduate School就把你的file给dept了,最后一封就浪费了,我有几个学校就是最重要的一封浪费了)(我没有一封信是来自我自己本科major的)
1.Head of IE from US, I got A in his Phd Seminar Class and working with him on the paper.
2.Assistant Prof in IE from US, I got first in his graduate class.
3.Associate Dean of Science from HK, I took 3 of his classes on Analysis and he was my supervisor of the Math UROP
4.Associate Prof in Math from HK, I got first in his senior pure math class. 
